Friday, March 21, 2003

I literally just got back from the movie "View From The Top". It is really, really, really good! I especially liked Mike Myers and his lazy eye... it made me chuckle. I thought the previews were funny too. There was this chrystler commercial, you know the ones with celine singin her songs in the cars and stuff, and it made me think of how dorky celine dion really is. I think she is so dorky, I didn't even bother to capitalize her name! But she sings well, so I can forgive her. Another funny moment was the preview for the new Christopher Guest movie. I forgot what it was called, but it looks absolutely hillarious. I cannot wait for it to come out. Knowing me, it will come out while I'm at camp and leave theaters by the time I get home and then come out on video like a kazrillion years later. Just perfect. Another funny thing is that when I came home, my mom was watching some documentary on these russian guys who like to sing bluegrass and country. Ok... that's a little weird, mom. She's still doing it. I think I just heard a russian boy sing hopelessly devoted to you... woah. freaky. Another funny thing is Rebekah James' driving skills. Or should I say lack thereof.... JUST JOSHING REBEKAH! It was funny, because my mom said that if I didn't get back by 9:00 I would be grounded, so the whole time in the movie I was totally checking my watch. Then it is quarter till when we get out and Rebekah races home, and boy do I mean races... but thats ok, you gotta do what you gotta do. I got back in time, and all is right with the world. Woo hoo. Now I get to wake up @ 6:00 or so tomorrow morning to go to a dang quiz bowl meet. I am totally psyched about that. Peace out... and remember, bridge ices before road....

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