Sunday, March 16, 2003

On Saturday Kate took all of us to Winston. We were driving along and Kate started hallucinating that the car was swirving, so we had to stop at the BP on Cook School Rd. Kate guessed the tires were flat or something, because that tire light was on. So we ask for a tire guage (sp?) and got the air hose. I felt really manly because I was fixing the car, only I was a total ditz. I sat there for like 10 minutes "filling" the tire with air. Kate and I, being the geniuses we are, had forgotten to turn on the air. Turns out I was just letting air out of the tires. Great. Then we turn it on and I sit there for a really long time and guess that it's ok because we had to give back the tire guage. This lady stops by and sees that we clearly don't really know what we are doing, so she offers some advice. Turns out there is a guage on the air pump, and normal tires have about 32 lbs of pressure/air/whatever. So we test a tire that we didn't do anything to, and it has like 45, which is the max a tire can take. Great. She showed us how to let the air out and was on her way. I went back to that tire I filled up, and guess how many pounds of pressure it had? 70. Oh My Gosh. That is ridiculus. So I went around and let a bunch of air out on all of our tires, and whaddya know, the light went off!

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