Friday, March 25, 2005


I've started to keep a journal unlike any previous ones in my lifetime. The lack of structure or expectations is the driving force behind said journal. I just write thoughts. Sometimes it's coherent- other times just random thoughts. I started this sometime in the midst of my monumental spring break boredom, and it helps tame some of my crazy thoughts. It's a lot like my blog, but easier because sometimes I don't think linearly. I like doing that web thing- where you just write an idea and circle it and then go off from that idea and so on and so forth. It's how I took the Svi Shapiro notes at GSW. Someone called it creative. Sometimes people say things that I do are creative but then I start thinking that I'm not really that creative and it makes me sad. How does one know if one is creative? I'd say I'm imaginative, but I don't know if that's the same thing as being creative. Eh, I dunno.

Shorter posts as boredom sets in.

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