Saturday, March 26, 2005

As boredom sets in, different functions start taking over my body. Whatever adrenaline I run on during the school week is completely drained. Chalk it up to atrophy. Can your adrenaline funcitons atropy? Let's just pretend that they can. So I am overly lathargic. I start repeating actions, expecting different results. Technically, that is the definition of insanity; I won't go that far. I'll go from walking around the house, watching a few TV shows, and looking (to no avail) for something to eat to compulsively checking away messages and email and comments. I desperately search for some trace of any life or activity anywhere I can. But it just ends up in disappointment. Along with my lack of adrenaline comes a lack of a need to hydrate myself. I won't drink because I'm not thirsty because I don't do anything. Therefore, when I stand up from long periods of little to no movement while watching TV, I black out. Sometimes enough to make me fall over. It's probably unhealthy. I've gotten used to it. Another thing that comes along with no activity or social contact comes the decreased impulse to shower. I'll wait until it gets to the point that I'm surprised at my state of filth. Then I'll take forever to shower (so it will take up time). It's a very theraputic practice.

The biggest thing that comes out of boredom is the increased brain activity. I have time to just sit and think things through and let things sink in. I wish I had more time when school's in session because I think I'd remember more of the stuff. I'd take it to the philosophical level. I've been doing it so much this week. Topics ranged from my insecurities about being valedictorian- how I can picture myself being like 35 and when people ask me why I think I'm smart, I'll tell them I was a valedictorian and then they'll laugh at me because it's my only claim to fame. All from watching part of a rerun of The Missing Link. Things like that. It doesn't drive me crazy, but it occupies my time. A good thing about having time to think is that I took my time reading Invisible Man and doing the questions. Now I can get a little bit of a head start on Light in August if I want to. This way, I'll feel like I'm on top of the game as opposed to feeling like I'm hanging on by a thread.

Anyways. All I'm trying to say is that I've been through so many levels of boredom that it can only go up from here. Oh, and also that AIM sucks during spring break when everybody's gone.

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