Monday, April 04, 2005

lucky me!

Best thing ever happened today.

Let's start from the beginning.

Saturday night, I babysat. In the midst of a windstorm the likes of which hasn't been seen in any place I've been at any time in my life. Typically, when I get my money, I quickly stuff it in my pocket or purse or in my pants somehow. Quickly, so I don't get embarassed-- under the table dealings and all. That night was no exception. The only abnormal part in my departure was my trek across their lawn to retrieve my sweatshirt that was still in the house. It was a hasty trek, so the loss of my money was somewhat inevitable. I didn't realize that my money was not there until a thorough search of my (quite messy) car. I immediately did what any self-respecting, somewhat poor high school girl would do-- I took my sister's car back over there to sneak around their lawn to see if my money was there. When I thought I'd lost the money forever and it must be somewhere in my car, I went back home and searched the Corolla once again, to no avail. I then took Kate's car back to their house because I thought I'd look again and maybe it would be easier this time. I think at this point, I was somewhat crazy. Once again, my search was futile. And the dog started barking. I gave up and sunk into fits of despair over the loss of potential music (that I could've bought with the moolah). After telling people of my misfortune and lamenting over how much I wanted to punch the wind in AP Bio, I gave up most of my hope.

Most is the key word in this sentence. While on my way back from purchasing gas in Cana at a rate 13 whole cents cheaper than North Carolina prices, I decided to stop by the house and just check to see if it might be somewhere. I noticed a hill, the height of which did not allow for the dispersal of my money to the great beyond. I saw other trash in its slopes and I got my hopes up, since the wind was blowing in the direction of the slope on Saturday night. But a suspicious man in a white SUV was looking very dubiously at me in my car, so I decided that I might as well give up. Mom offered to go back with me and stand guard against the skeptical parents, so I thought "What the eitch-ee-double-hockey-sticks... I'm going." And we did. I looked around the house first, because the money might have been stuck in a nook and/or cranny that my eyes previously skimmed over. When nothing was there, I moved to the hill. Mom was doubtful-- suggesting that a construction worker (since the house is in a new development, there are houses under construction) would certainly pick up any money lying around. I was beginning to finally lose all hope when, there it was-- poking out from the twigs of a shrub about 10 feet up on the hill-- my precious twenty dollar bill. With a shout of glee and giggles of joy, I informed my mother. She couldn't believe it. The chances were so slim! The only thing to do was look for the ten and five that I suspected would be nearby. Mom spotted the ten, lying in a puddle. Oh the glorious luck! Upon picking up the ten, my eyes wandered to another puddle, and what else could it be but the five. The set was complete!

I was overcome by a feeling of immense joy and I couldn't stop laughing for a while. I mean, what are the chances. Seriously. After two days, even! So, not only am I $35 richer, but one of my crazy shennanigans actually worked out! They usually don't. My hopes are usually dashed and I just go on living. My creepiness was rewarded. If that were a gated community, I'm sure I would've been arrested. Or at least forced to explain myself.

Go Heels!

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