Sunday, April 17, 2005

a long post for your enjoyment.

And so. Seeing as how I haven't had a post of much substance in a while, I'll do a bit of updating. Main things that have been happening to me are stress-related. Teachers are becoming hardcore because AP exams are imminent, but I'm stepping up my game along with them. I don't mind doing a ton of Calculus problems. As long as I have the mindset to do that ton. The problem is finding the motivation. My battle with senioritis has been a tough one up to this point, and it's not getting any easier. I just lazy myself around all afternoon, wandering aimlessly around the internet, forgetting that I could be doing many more substantial things with my time. I hate having things looming over my head, like Rockafest. I just hate feeling guilty when things go wrong. I tried to shirk the responsibility onto Alex but it didn't work. Somehow the responsibility got shirked on me last year in full force, but I can't do it myself to anyone else. I'm not a good delegator. Stupid ENTJ personality- always trying to take charge and do things for myself. But it will be over next week and there will be a concert involved. Any time a concert is involved with things, it makes it ten times less annoying. It's like the dessert after suffering through... some bad meal. (back in the old days I would've said Chile Verde- the kind my mom makes- but I like it now. silly tastebuds.)

Speaking of concerts, the Jump concert was the best thing that's happened to me in like forever. Ok, that's exaggerating a lot, but what can you do. Seriously. The opening act- Ross Golan and Molehead- was really cool. Rap rock. We all thought it was Matt from J,LC at first, but it was just Ross. I met him after the show. Maybe he was just really nice, or really liked me, or was drunk, or all three, but I liked him. It's fun meeting artists. Because they like meeting fans. If I didn't have a curfew, it would've been nice to stay and chat w/ J,LC. Ciest la vie. So, yeah. Then Jump came on and I was ridiculously excited. Because this is the first band I've seen where I heard their CD and memorized the words before seeing them in concert. Holy cow. Jay's voice just melts into your ears. And Matt's awesome stage presence and multi-instrumental skills are just that- Awesome. And then there's way cool Ward. And then there's Johnny and Evan- the lovable geeks. When "Mexico" came on, I just absorbed the energy and loveliness of the song and was the happiest I've been in a long time in that moment. It was inarticulately great. Not overwhelming or overrated, just simple and happy.

The thing that made the concert fun, too, was the atmosphere. Jump fans are friendly. Govies are lovely. MA people are chill and great. Hanging with Jill and Brett and Brad on the way down was fun. Even though my back hurt from carrying my purse all day and I had to lean on Randy and Zack and feel like a Grandma when I kept having to sit down, it was still fun. The music was just as good when I couldn't see it. I wasn't tired, though I'd been up for a while and school had exhausted me, I was just happy. I wasn't overanalyzing anything or thinking about the future or about the past, I was living in the moment.

I'm gushing about things and you guys are probably bored and probably stopped reading and aren't even reading this right now, but I just had to express my happiness. Other events that went on this weekend included my trip to Carolina. In short, it was a good immersion process- I got to get a small taste of what next year will be like and I liked it. I saw a random Cheerio friend (Lucy Page) in the class I visited, and hung out with Seg and Frances, and talked to some students and a professor about the academic part. It was a good experience. A college day well spent. There was also a Slushie and Sugar Glyder concert on Saturday, which I attended after earning $17 at a babysitting job. It rocked. I purchased new shirts from both bands. The new Slushie song is quite good.

Sorry. This post was too long. I need to post more regularly so I don't mush it all into one hard-to-digest post. But, yeah. So this weekend was good. Life is good, albeit busy.

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