Thursday, August 05, 2004

So I'm back. I didn't really go anywhere specifically, I just couldn't access my blogger account. So much has happened! I wanted to record my feelings after coming home from GSW, and I wanted to tell you all about my hiking trip and all about Bikestock and all about my trip w/ youth to Busch Gardens and my new digital camera and so much more! It all happened in the two weeks I was bloggerless. Tell me if you really want to know about it, and I will surely blog. I'm hoping to turn this back into a blog where I talk about my ideas and thoughts rather than just journaling everything that happens. Maybe I'll do a week summary every Saturday or Sunday or something. That way I can post my thoughts during the week so you guys won't get bored with what I'm doing.

So today was the last first day of the rest of my pre-college education. What an exciting last first day it was. I have a touch of senioritis, and a touch of anxiety about all my AP exams in the spring. AP English looks like fun. Mrs. Goldwasser is my advisor for AA, so I'm already on her good side. Lots of fun people in that class. AP Calculus looks like it will be a typical math class, just hard. We already have lots of homework (that I should get started on) It's weird being in a math class withouth Nancy and McKenzie because they were in both of my math classes last year. 1st lunch has good people. All my friends to sit with. AP Bio was funny because Bodnar was trying to scare away some people because our class is too large. We took a test. It didn't count. Thank goodness. Spanish 3 is awesome. Mr. Castillo is cool, has a sense of humor, writes neatly, and we can understand what he is saying. There aren't any of my friends who are girls in that class. Just boys. I sit beside Zach Hill and Zach Ayers and Tillman and I sit near McKenzie and Anderson. I'm excited. I feel really low key in that class. Like I don't have to talk a lot or be very boisterous. I can just chill. I'm looking forward to it.

Senioritis kinda sucks. Seriously, 179 school days left. I hope I get over it soon.

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