Saturday, August 07, 2004

I like fall. Today's and Yesterday's weather has felt very fall-ish. I love it. It is cool and refreshing and it smells nice. We leave our windows open to get the fresh air, and it makes our house smell so good. It reminds me of a time when I was very happy. I can't really describe it. It's not like I'm not happy now, I am just reminded of a simple, happy, stress free time. Like I had nowhere else to be and I had nothing else to do. The only thing I had to do was sit around and smell the nice air. I didn't care that I wasn't hanging out with my friends. I was my own best friend. I didn't need anybody else's companionship for just this one time. I felt very introverted. Sometimes I like being introverted and lazy. I forget about drama and I forget about school and I forget about being social and everything that goes along with it. I don't worry about whether or not I have a best friend, or if I'll ever have a boyfriend. My cares just fly out the window. Smelling this smell makes me feel really peaceful. I'm wearing comfy pants, which helps complete the relaxed feeling. I love fall. I love it so much. I hope there are a lot of peaceful fall days this year. Ones like this, where I don't even leave my house. I just hang out all day without wearing shoes. I stay in my pajamas until 3 in the afternoon. I accomplish things (my laundry). I don't have anything looming over my head because I've already finished my Calculus homework. It is at times like these when I wish I did yoga. I think it would make days like this occur more often. I like it that smells bring back memories. I also like it that this smell brings back good memories. I heard somewhere that the sense of smell was linked very closely to memory. I think that's cool. Well, I'm gonna go read some more in Catch 22. I might even switch and read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Who knows.

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