Sunday, August 08, 2004

I love fall days. Today I sat out on the hammock for like 3 hours reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest for my english research project. It's due Thursday, and I probably should have read it over the summer. I was going to read Catch 22 but it was too long and had too much stuff per page. It wasn't fast reading, because you had to pay attention to this guys ramblings. Cuckoo is much more mellow. I like it. I've read 134 pages already today. That's almost halfway through! Now I won't be as stressed on Wednesday night. So anyway, I loved laying out on the hammock. It was lovely. The air was just right and there was tons of shade and the pillow was really comfortable. It makes me wish I could just lie around like that every day. I think I'll make a habbit of reading on that hammock during the fall on nice days. It is mucho comfortable. Maybe I'll even sit out there when it gets a little colder. I could just sit in a sleeping bag. That would be so great. So I'm gonna plan on reading out there tomorrow after all my other homework. I get in a zone when I read. When I came in for dinner, my eyes wouldn't focus on anything. I was to zone-y. I get very involved in my book and I get confused if I start thinking about other things too much. Reading calms me down considerably. It is a very good stress reliever. You can escape your own stressful life and immerse yourself in someone else's problems or stories. I enjoy it.

1 comment:

Sarah Gitt said...

I did One Flew... as my research project my junior year, so if you want to read mine and cite it, let me know. actually, i'm not a professional critic, so i guess that wouldn't work. ah, whatever.