Wednesday, February 18, 2004

So basically that Asset Test was ridiculous. It started of with a writing test. Whoa. That was the easiest dang thing that I have ever taken. It would underline this ridiculously stupid part of the sentence that was way wrong and then give a "no change" choice, two other ridiculous choices, and the obviously right answer. I wish I could think of an example for you. I guess you just had to be there. Then the reading comprehension was basically just about details from the reading that you had to go back and look for. I haven't done that since about 7th grade. Then there was "numerical skills" where we couldn't use our calculators. I was way rusty on multiplying and dividing decimals, but the way I see it, I'll always have my trusty TI-83. It's weird how simple math can be so hard after doing semi-advanced math for so long. And then there was the calculator part that was Algebra 1 all over again. Including the sleeping. So it wasn't that fun, but I got out of a reading check in 1st period and I got a little nap in between sections. Hopefully I will place out of the "0" level courses at Surry. Boy, I sure hope so.

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