Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Prom is a curse on everybody without boyfriends. I hate it. I actually hate talking about it. It gives me a headache. All of my friends act like it's the easiest thing in the world to have a date. That is probably because it probably is the easiest thing in the world for them to do. It might not be hard for everyone to do, but not everybody centers their lives around boys. Me, for example. I pay attention to more concrete things. Like: getting good grades; sleeping a lot; enjoying life; doing other things besides obsessing over the opposite sex. My life has been quite great without boys in main roles in my life. Don't get me wrong, I like boys plenty. I just don't make it my objective in life to be constantly with one. I need alone time, and spending time with friends is much more fun than the heartaches of high school dating. That's another thing. High school dating is RIDICULOUS and pointless. It is constant drama, and nothing good ever comes of it. I'm sure that the bad outweighs the good in that situation. I mean, I have a more enjoyable life than most people that move on to the next boyfriend within hours. It's silly. I like having intelligent conversations about events or ideas or books or something, while a lot of my friends enjoy having conversations about prom dresses and each other. I guess I'm just noticing that I am quite an individual. I don't really need a significant other to feel significant.

So there is a romance story for you. Sorry for my ranting. It needed to be done. I've heard that psychologists say that it is good to have an outlet for your thoughts and feelings. Welcome to my outlet for today. Adios.

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