Wednesday, September 07, 2005

ooooooh that smelll

School stressed me out yesterday. I was overwhelmed with the fact that classes were going to be hard, and I felt like I was already behind for some reason. They all seem to be challenging in ways I am not used to. Chinese is hard because I have to learn how to move my mouth in totally different ways to produce the sounds. Environmental Studies is hard because we have to do a case study and interview people and have hard exams that are essays. I feel somewhat behind in Chem because I don't have a calculator and I want to do the homework. And it's online, which is not what I'm used to for numerical answer stuff. And maybe I should've read the chapter earlier. And freshman seminar doesn't look too hard, I just have to write response papers and it's just once a week. Not too bad.

I was going to go on an InterVarsity retreat this weekend, but I've decided to stay home and catch up on schoolwork. I'm not really behind, I just need to get in the groove. So this will be a "groovy" weekend. Except everybody's apparently going home or something. I just really need to go to a Wal*Mart. I need folders and a calculator and spiral notebooks and random things that will satisfy this Wal*Mart craving. But I don't have a car. Maybe when the fam comes to visit me. Who knows?

My posts are boring. I can't think. I have a chinese quiz tomorrow. They'll get better. Sorry.

1 comment:

CoCo said...

School is stressful, don't let anyone tell you different. But once you get a normal "goove" as you put it, I promise it will get easier. Making friends can also help with the stresses of class.