Sunday, September 04, 2005

i got my own VIC card today!!

I've survived my first week of college... and I didn't run out of meals! Surprising, I know. It's easier than it looks.

So, yeah. Not much to report, really. I woke up at 8:00 yesterday morning without the aid of an alarm or anything. I just opened my eyes and it was 7:55 and I didn't feel like I needed to go back to sleep. So I did some laundry, listened to some music, cleaned up a little bit... you know, housekeeping kind of things. It was really chill and fun... I like relaxing for long periods of time. I was a bit sad that Ashley couldn't make it from Boone, but I totally understand her reasoning. I, too, hate driving long distances by myself when I'm going to be at the destination for only a night. So the dinner we had planned at Top of the Hill was slightly altered for the circumstances. Nicole and Casey and Ashley weren't going to be there, and that made it only McKenzie, Nancy, Liz (nan's roomie) and me. Nan and Liz were a bit late (only by 30 minutes), but all-in-all it was a good meal. Not too expensive, and with extra to spare-- just my kind of meal! Afterwards, McKenzie and I headed down to see "Mediocre Bad Guys" playing at Buffalo Wild Wings. It was a cool setting; one could watch the football games, eat some dessert, and listen to a Jack Johnson cover band all at once! I liked seeing some folks from home, too. Gary, Jerry, and Les are cool guys. After that, Mac and I took the P2P. Point 2 Point. Gotta love the P2P. Especially when drunk people get on. It's funnier that way. And then after that, I went to sleep.

So I'm pumped that I survived my first week with only minor bumps and bruises. No, just kidding. I don't even have bumps or bruises! Sweet! I'm doing better than I thought. Speaking of college, I need to have a good study routine. I haven't really had to have one yet, because I haven't really had homework or anything. I've had reading, but I've done it from my chair. Not a good idea. That chair makes me want to watch TV and have ADHD, not read a book. Silly chair.

Speaking of my chair, I'm off to be lazy on this lovely sunday afternoon. Hasta luego!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey "Mah"! I'm glad you're having fun, b/c I sure am! Except I think my classes started off way sooner than yours have, I've been studying for hours a day already! (This homework thing is ridiculous!) But all in all it's good. Have fun becoming more social, trust me, it's funner that way! For example we've already had a bunch of guys make dinner for us and then we hang out until we have to kick them out of our apartment, at which point we go outside and hang out some more! Hahaha well have fun and write me sometime if you feel like it! Love, Kath