Wednesday, September 28, 2005

the art of quadding

Right now, I'm leaning up against a tree in the lower quad, along with many of my fellow UNC-ers, enjoying this cool, end-of-summer-but-still-not-fall day. My chem lab starts in approximately 40 minutes, after which I will be done for the day. I thought that this would be the perfect time to blog.

Ok, so Chem Lab has taken over my life. I procrastinate my lab reports until Tuesday afternoon, and then I freak out and don't do well on them. Such was the case last night. I've been doing work during all of my spare time since Sunday. Tonight I have to study for Chinese, and then Thursday I have to catch up on my readings for Enst 35 and then it pretty much starts all over again. I just need to learn how to split up my work so I have a little bit of time all the time instead of a lot of time only some of the time. Right. I make sense.

Hehe, so a group of protestors just walked by the quad yelling "What's disgusting? Union busting! What's outrageous? Sweat-shop wages!" and "Hey hey, ho ho, sweat-shop rates have got to go." I don't even know what they were protesting. But they were loud.

Last night I was all stressed out by my chem lab and was debating not going to YL since it was just a dinner and not a real club, but I was like there's no way i can stand to do this chem lab for any more seconds. So I went to McAlisters to meet the YL people all by myself. It was really fun. I got to actually talk to the leaders for more than 15 minutes, and it made me feel so at home. I heart YL a lot. Aannnd I found out that College Life is gonna go to Windy Gap and do work crew in November. I'm soooo pumped about that. Young Life people are just so much fun to be around.

Quadding is my new favorite thing to do. On my long days when I have to stay up on campus all day, I take a break around lunch to just listen to my iPod and look at the trees and the sky and it's very relaxing. It's like taking a little nap, except without sleeping. And you get to see fun stuff, like people playing frisbee and prostesting and tightrope walking. Yeah, these guys are tightrope walking over on a rope between two trees right now. It's not too far off the ground, but it looks like it takes a heck of a lot of balance-- balance I certainly don't have. Oh yeah, and I think the protestors made it to the Pit. I hear them yelling again. "ONE we are the students TWO a little bit louder THREE we want justice for the workers!" Silly geese.

Ok, I'm gonna head off to Chem Lab now, but I hope you have a good day and thanks for joining me on my quadding experience today. Adios!

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