Friday, May 20, 2005

you know what sucks?

one-ply toilet paper.

On to other things, steel wool is a very interesting thing. I mean, seriously. Who thought of it? And who were the geniuses at Brillo or wherever that decided to also add soap? I bet one guy in the olden days was tired of scraping baked on veal off of his pots so he got his blacksmith friend to give him his extra metal shards which he had his wife weave together so he could clean his pots more thorougly. Little did he know that his simple idea would catch on and dishes-doers everywhere would employ the use of this tool to scrape off rice from pans. The problem with steel wool is that it rusts. One barely gets enough use out of the small pad before it rusts away and one must replace it with another from the box. I actually just keep using the rusty ones, I just choose to ignore the rust. Just like I'll eat a moldy piece of bread if I cut off the mold first. It's really not that bad. This is coming from the least germophobic person you know. I think my lack of concern for germs is what gives me a good immune system. So even if I did get rust on my dishes, it wouldn't phase me. Though that is helped by the shot they gave me in the arm in 6th grade for Tetanus. I knew those things would come in handy one of these days.

P.S.- envelopes officially taste ridiculously bad. just in case you didn't already know.

1 comment:

Brad said...

Aw, crap (hahahahah) mom only ever gets the 1-ply because it's the cheapest