Saturday, May 21, 2005

time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like bananas.

What's weird is that time can go on and on without anybody really noticing. We start off with our best-laid plans that take into account the amount of time each step along the way will take up. Each action is planned to the minute, but then the action actually starts taking place and we forget all about it. Before we know it, time is up. One minute we find ourselves anxiously awaiting the beginning of the processes, and the next, it seems, we are done with it all and are looking back on how it all fell together. Rarely are we aware of time actually passing during the time when the action is taking place- because we are caught up in doing. I find this to be true for most of the events in my life. The down-time between things is spent contemplating if and when and how everything's going to work out, but then all of a sudden I find myself at the end. Like now. It seems like just a moment ago when I was wondering if I would actually survive through the AP Bio exam. And now look at me- I'm about to graduate and I survived. I'm here getting ready to have one heck of an awesome summer and school is the last thing on my mind. Senior year flew by, but I guess I'm glad. It means I was having fun. And I guess it didn't really fly by, it just seems that way because I've had the same classes all year. Who knows. I was doing so many things that I forgot to be aware of the time passing. Now the time between now and graduation should feel like nothing at all, if my logic is right.

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