Monday, May 16, 2005

this is unexpected.

I would be the last one to expect me to be thinking like this, but whoa. I have 4 days left of my high school career. I am graduating. Just the mere thought makes me tingly.

I am sad. I like hanging out with people, and this always happens to me right before I'm leaving a place. I start hanging out with more people and I wish that I could stay forever to keep hanging out with the cool people I've met. Some small part of me wishes, despite the suckiness of high school, that I could stay for a little while longer. If all school were like these last two weeks without work or responsibilities, I would enjoy it so much and never want to leave. I am also sad because the class of 2005 will never be all together like this again. Spontaneous hangouts with these folks won't happen because we're all going off into our new lives. The senior trip was the epitome of great high school hanging out. Everybody was there, practically. We all set aside most of the petty annoyances and just hung out. I sure am a sucker for hanging out.

I am happy. My whole life is ahead of me- many new excitements and adventures and down times and boring times and so much more are awaiting me around this next huge corner. Cheerio is coming up and then college with my favoritest friends and so many new people to meet. So I'm more excited than I am depressed. Because I like all of my MA friends, but I'm not ridiculously attached to anyone here. I have my good friends, but they've made it easy enough to be okay with leaving. And of course I'll make visits to people because visiting is so much fun.

the phone isdead: yea, it's kind of werid
the phone isdead: *weird
the phone isdead: but really exciting. the way i figure it, hey, we had a good run. if i never see you again, i enjoyed it. i hope you have a great rest of your life and are successful in all that you do. let's move on.
the phone isdead: the proverbial "you"

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