Friday, April 14, 2017


I'm back!!!!!!!!!!! I know I made a very dramatic post in 2008 that this blog was *over*, but I am ready to resurrect it. I no longer feel ashamed by 2004 Emma's ridiculous overusage of "silly goose", and I am ready to blog in the original & best blog I've had!!!!! But with a slight twist... I'm starting a NEW BLOGSTAGRAM!!! (ooooooh!) I feel like ever since Google Reader hit the dust (RIP so hard), I have stopped coming to a browser to actually read blogs. Also I feel like the market has been saturated with blogs and I/we are suffering from a bit of blogshaustion. I love hearing my friends' thoughts, though, and we already know that blogging stole my heart in high school, so I guess I am back. (no promises that this one will regularly update, though, ok???!!??? check the 'gram for more regular thoughts (hopefully))
So the insta is @refverie - I wanted to make the shortest handle possible, so I had to find a word that had some similar letters to *emma* or *refvem* and I seem to have landed on a word that might be as trite as *wanderlust*. Smh. I am just really *leaning in* to my bloglife now. 
My goal is to post about pop culture things I like, because I like pop culture a lot. And I will probably also post my weird thoughts about strawberries (i'm saying that b/c a bowl of strawberries is sitting in front of me and i literally almost composed at least a two-paragraph post of why i like to eat strawberries the way i do...). In that way, I think it will keep up the rich history of this blog being very silly but also something I take far too seriously.


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