Sunday, January 15, 2006

yakkity yak don't talk back

I just made an interesting discovery-- my wardrobe consists of a lot of pink. I wouldn't have guessed that I was a pink kind of girl, but then I realize that I really am. When I buy new shirts, they are pink or gray. I just surveyed my non-t-shirt-long-sleeve shirts, and pink is the dominating color. I like pink. It makes me happy and brightens my day. So, yeah. Just thought I'd share that with you.

The fam came to visit this weekend. Only one week after having left them, but I still was really glad to hang with them. I got to see Jill and Char swim a bit, then we went out to dinner (on friday). Saturday was fun because we went to South Point and ate lunch and saw Casanova and then made a stop at Super Target on the way out. It was good quality time and I got to get myself organized by buying good snacks and school supplies. I finally got a 3-hole punch, which makes my life ten billion times better! The state of my organization is a reflection of the state of my stress levels.

I get sad when people go away. It takes me a few minutes to compose myself and resituate myself with my surroundings. I got sad when Mom and Dad and Jill and Charlotte went away because I had so much fun with them and I got to be with them (and Kate) all over christmas break and now I only get to see them in little bits until summer break. But then I'll see them for a few weeks and go away for a long long time for Cheerio. I am happy that I am here, and I miss my family of course, I just get a little overwhelmed by the missing when it's the instant after they have left. My tired-ness exacerbates the missing, of course, so that doesn't make it any better. But now I am in the moment and am glad to get this semester rolling.

1 comment:

CoCo said...

Maybe time to pull out the Sony Handicam?