Wednesday, January 11, 2006

oh the traumas of the adult life

I am not good at being an adult. First of all, I hate talking on the phone. I hate setting up appointments and figuring things out on the phone because I am not a good phone talker and I make things really awkward. I also don't like setting up appointments in general. And figuring things out for myself. (practical things, that is. outside of school)

Case in point: I had to get new glasses here in Chapel Hill. I found the eye place, I picked out some cute frames... all was going smoothly. Then, I had to figure out insurance information and call the guy at the eye place back. Instead of going right back in once I figured out the information, I called him back later. Several phone calls and minor misunderstandings later, they finally figured out my insurance information so I could get the deals. Then I had to choose lenses. Fed up at this point, and not wanting to walk all the way back up to University Square to the place, I just did it over the phone. Bad idea. I didn't call my regular doctor to see what type of lenses I currently have, and just decided to wing it. I went for the cheaper (although thicker) kind because I figured my vision wasn't that bad and it wouldn't be that thick and I am very stingy and don't like to spend a lot of money sometimes. My mom knows this, so after the deed was done she called me out on it-- asking if I really wanted the thin ones but just got the thick ones because they were cheap. I said that it didn't really matter to me. Haha... I tried to trick myself. After some investigation to find out that my current lenses are the thin kind, and that I really did want to change my mind, I called the eye place only to figure out that my glasses had already been sent off. It's out of my hands and now I must wait until I get a new prescription to get thinner lenses.

I guess it serves me right for being so sketchy like I always am. I hate it when I know I'm being sketchy but there's almost nothing I can do about it. One of these days I'll be better at appointments, and then I'll be able to reap the rewards. I mean, I really don't care because I'm not looking at my glasses, and they'll probably be cute anyway, and maybe if they're thick they'll motivate me to wear my contacts more often. At least the frames are cute... I've got that taken care of. Oh me. Why am I so weird?? I'm okay. We'll see how I feel when I have the glasses in my hand...

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