Thursday, January 26, 2006

it's been a while

So after having made it through the most depressing day of the year (January 23-24 according to experts), I am now on my way to being excited about spring! I'm working out more, which is nice. I did a bellydancing class last night and tonight I'm going to do yoga. I've been in the pool for my WSI class, which has made me miss swimming. So I'm going to start swimming for excercise more often, too. Yay for getting my body in some sort of shape!

Chinese class is more fun this semester. Perhaps it is because I don't have it first thing in the mornign like last semester, or maybe because I know more and it's easier to build off of something as opposed to starting fresh. Classes themselves are more fun-- maybe the teachers are getting better? Or perhaps they can speak more chinese and less english and we can still understand them. I switched lecture teachers, and Zhou Laoshi (who I have now) seems to do more hands-on things that help us practice speaking. I just need to work on knowing how to write the characters. Memorization is hard!

College Life is exciting because we're starting to do leadership training now. We have folders and memorize verses every week. We talked about contact work at the last meeting, and I was excited. Because I've known what goes on behind the scenes of YL for a long time, but now I will actually be putting it into practice. McKenzie and I have to share our 5-minute testimony for our small group next week, and I'm a little excited. I used to think that sharing a testimony was so hard and when Mom tried to get us to do it back in high school sunday school, I was terrified. Now I realize that it's just my story, and that it shouldn't be scary.

Speaking of College Life, I'm going to Windy Gap this weekend!!! I'm very excited because: a) I will be with my college life loves; b) I will get to see Kristin and Eric and Brad (because eric and brad are doing program); c) I will be at Windy Gap, duh!; and d) because I like to have the break from school. So, it's just going to be a lot of fun chilling out and having fun with my friends. And I get to be a server this time, which is awesome.

I guess that's all for this post... have a great day, everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, zhongwen is surely more fun because we get to see each other everyday. shmimmies unite!