Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

What a great way to start off the new year! I got to spend the first day with my two favorite families and my own family, playing games and generally having a fun time! The Sumner's and Leathers' came over to play an assortment of games and have dinner and play more games and joke around and play more games and more games and more fun and it was just great! So many games and so much fun. We ended up playing Cranium, Catch Phrase, Trivial Pursuit, and Farkel. The night was capped off by Eric Leathers having to chew up a chap stick for like 30 seconds. Fun times, for sure. I love being silly and loud and insane. Even though I was accused of cheating on multiple occasions, and I apparently can't keep from talking after everyone's answer in Catch Phrase, I still love playing those games.

Now I'm excited about making a road trip with my new favorite girls to Nashville, TN for the Passion conference. I'm really excited about bonding and learning and having an all around amazing experience. Yay! So that's also fun.

Ok, I'm so tired and have to get up early for the road trip tomorrow, so I will sign off this first post of the year saying that I'm excited that my blog has made it all the way to 2005. It's been a long one, and I'm excited about it. 2006 holds, along with other marvelous things, the 3rd anniversary of the beginning of this blog. I'm getting excited! This post is crazy because I'm so hyper and a little bit ADD and my back hurts for some reason and I'm typing really fast and making a lot of mistakes. Sounds like it's bedtime for me!

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