Friday, August 12, 2005

yttup yllis

You know what I love? Silly Putty. It's awesome. I heard someone made it as a rubber substitute during WW2, since there was a shortage. Turns out it is the best toy ever (beside Slinky's). It has many properties. It can stretch, but it can also break if you pull it really fast. If you stretch it out and put it on newspaper or pencil writing, it will copy a mirror image onto the silly putty. I suppose if there is enough ink there, you could re-stamp it somewhere else. I would always do that. They have color changing silly putty which changes colors as you play with it. It is heat activated, which makes sense. It happens with any kind of Silly Putty-- the more you play with it, the easier it gets to stretch and the warmer it gets. Sometimes it gets kinda hot and you have to put it down. That's not that much fun. I just found some Silly Putty and it was actually kind of stale. I have to warm it up. I think a good warming up session, with the addition of some of the natural oils from my hand, will make my Silly Putty as good as new. Maybe. I like that Silly Putty comes in eggs. I don't like it when silly putty gets stuck in the carpet. It's gross, because it doesn't come out easily. I like that Silly Putty isn't as sticky as gum. I like that you can break it apart and put it back together like it's as good as new. I don't like it when the Silly Putty people falsely advertise. I got some Silly Putty in a purple, sparkly egg. The putty inside was not purple or sparkly. It was normal colored and not sparkly. I was looking forward to purple putty. I was disappointed. It was a sad day. But now I'm over the fact that it wasn't what I originally wanted, and it's still good Silly Putty. If you will excuse me, I'm going to go play with my Silly Putty some more. The end.

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