Wednesday, August 03, 2005

sad face.

Okay. You guys know me pretty well. And if you don't, just look in the archives and I'm sure there's a post about what makes me cry. Two in particular that I want to concentrate on today in this post are: 1) when other people cry; and 2) when animals are in distress (i.e. the turtle commercial). That said, here's my post.

I cried a lot today when watching Whale Rider (the movie with Keshia Castle-Hughes). My mom was leaving to go somewhere and needed to tell me something, but the timing couldn't have been worse. Keshia had just given a tear-filled speech, so you know my eyes were tear-brimmed, and all the whales just got beached, and I paused it while one was dying. When mom asked what I was watching, I answered (in a shaky voice) "Whale Rider..." and then she said "Are you alright?" and then I burst out in a sobby cry "All the whales are dying!" I couldn't handle it. It was too much. It was like the volvo turtle commercial to the n-th degree. I just cried and cried and couldn't stop. I was a mess. It all ended up okay and I felt like it was a good cry. My mom has decided that I need to be an animal rescuer when I grow up. I might cry to much to have that job.

I was worried when I randomly bought Whale Rider that it wouldn't be good. I think Emmy told me it was good, and I saw it at Blockbuster when I was making a random, mass, pre-college DVD purchase so I thought why not? So I kept asking my family if they'd seen it or heard about it or wanted to watch it, but they had no feedback so I just took the chance and watched it. I'm glad I bought it now. It's one of those good movies that doesn't have a typical storyline or stereotypical characters or anything. It was really good. So even though it made me cry, it also made me happy. I felt restored or something randomly cheezy like that.

So the moral of this story is that I thought Whale Rider was good and I'm glad that it is a part of my College DVD collection. the end.

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