Saturday, October 08, 2005

i'm a dweeeeeeeeb. total dweeb. i'm typing this post lying on the floor of what used to be Jill's room next to a bed piled high with clothes that i left behind and right now i'm lying literally face down in the carpet with my hands outstretched to reach the keyboard to type this randomness even though i can't see what i'm typing and have to lift my head every time i think i've made a mistake so i can correct it. so, yeah. it's funny for things to be different yet the same. our friends' hangout style is the same but we all have new styes with new people that are all diffferent from each other. also, hanging out at college is so much easier because everyone's within a short distance of each other. going somewhere in MA requires driving and therefore some higher degree of planning and it crushes some of the spontaneity of it all. i do love seeing old friends, though. it was funnnn. i love them. i'm like falling asleep on the floor right now. this is quite a comfortable position, actually. i wouldn't mind sleeping like this. maybe it's because i'm so dang tired. why am i still up if i'm so tired? seriously. i don't make any sense. typing is so much more fun when you are lying down. i feel like nothing is coming out like i want it to, but then it miraculously is spelled right on the screen. i mean, i guess we don't really look at our hands much when we type anyway, or at least i don't. my jacket smells like smoke from copollas. poo on smokey restaurants. second-hand smoke kills. it's true. i think this typing while tired and on the floor thing allows for my thoughts to flow more freely and things that i would normally cancel out of my blogging part of my brain are coming out onto the screen. silly thoughts.

change. i want some things to change. i welcome it with open arms, but just enough change. other things i want to stay the same forever. i wish i could know when things are going to change if they ever will. but that's the thing-- i can't control it and i need to relinquish my control or my thought that i could have control. my thoughts run rampant but my actions rarely reflect what i wish was happening. i can't change what's happening. but i pray that it will and that it will be a very happy and wondeful change.

wow. i realllly don't make sense. silly me.

xoxo, loves. that's all for the latenight post from the floor.

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