Monday, May 22, 2017

Refverie - Body Positivity

 bOdY PoSi PoSt!!!! I'm not that body positive these days though I feel like I'm trying to be. I'm definitely at the highest weight I've ever been, but I also have the best work/life balance I've ever had??? And I had salads for lunch like infinity more times this semester than I ever had in the past??? I'ma try to do a 90-day-yoga challenge, by body-posi yoga friends @mynameisjessamyn & @nolatrees, but I still balk at seeing my body move in the mirror. Like, I want to *fix* it, but I feel like that's not the right outlook. My body isn't broken, and it is wonderful and strong and holds me up every day!!! I'm hoping to aim for health and less for weight, so I think I'ma just rock leggings and flowy skirts so I don't have to face the weight for the summer. Also I'm gonna try to learn to cook so I don't eat pizza as much. Also this may or may not have been inspired by the classic "Ms. Refvem are you pregnant?" question from a student that is a once-a-semester guarantee. 🤦🏻‍♀️💪🏻💕🤸🏻‍♀️

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