Sunday, April 23, 2006

make new friends, but keep the old... is silver and the other gold! and they're both amazing!!!

I just got back from a meeting with YL at Rasberry Ridge where we sent off our seniors with much ado and many repetitions of Philipians 1:3-6. At the end of it all, we took a picture of the freshman and a comment by one Greg Salazar summed up my adoration for all of them: "You guys roll so deep. You're obsessed!" It's true. I'm obsessed with these kids. I don't want to go places without them. I don't know what my freshman year would've been like without them. I remember being so awkward at the beginning of college, trying out all the different clubs just to see where I would fit. I always prayed that I would find a close knit group of friends who shared my beliefs and with whom I could have a ton of fun. Little did I know that soon enough I would have those wonderful people in my life to such an amazing degree. I have to admit, when it didn't happen almost instantly, I got depressed and thought I'd never find friends. But then College Life happened. And Windy Gap Work Crew happened. And when WG happened again, I knew I'd found them. My loves for life! I was thinking about how I wonder what it will be like when we graduate, and then I started thinking that we have 3 whole entire more years to spend with each other! I have (at least) 3 more years to get established at this High School and spend my time loving high schoolers and having a lot of fun. I have 3 more years to have amazing experiences with these people who I know will be my friends forever.

I really wanted a close group of girl friends. I had Nan and Ash and Audra in high school (and oh how i still love them!), but I knew I wanted a solid group of girls that I can be friends with forever and about whom I can say "I met them in college and we knew we would be friends for life!" And now they're here. And I love them. All of them. It is better than I even imagined when I asked for it.

And not to mention my surrogate suite. I love to hang out with them and they have been way better than my actual suite. (who i never talk to... ever) They are tons of fun!

I also have all of my Cheerio friends. Liles and I have grown so close, mainly because we live so close. It's amazing and I love her and we will be on the same porch this summer at Cheerio and we will LOVE it! And I've gotten to chill with Shmimmy in Chinese and bond about how much we regret the fact that we took such a ridiculous language just to fill our requirement. We may laugh about it later, and we even laugh about it now, but that's mainly to distract ourselves from the fact that we are not that great at Chinese. But at least it's fun!

And then there's the MA crowd. I've grown so close to them. There are 4 of us who became leaders, and we're infamous around the YL crowd. "I'm from Mt. Airy" "Oh, you're one of those..." hahaha. But I really do love them. We love each other and have fun together and love the same things and can hang out when we're in MA as well as when we're at college. It's going to be a fun future with those guys and girls too.

Yay! I just love my friends. I thought I'd share that with my blogging audience. It's been quite a good year! mmmm yay.

1 comment:

Brad said...

"...the one who wrote Songs for Silverman is Ben Folds"

emmallah, my heart is in mt. airy and I get to come home soon! It'll be a great change for me. whatever we do as we grow up, we can't ever forget the wisdom of wally and all the good things he says. He's what's keeping mt. airy together, I just know it. that and residue of griffith. see ya later!