Sunday, March 26, 2006

Tay Ray Pony came to visit this weekend, and it made me happy! I like to hang out with my high school friends because they are just the coolest. Next weekend I am going home, and it will be a much needed break. I've just been so tired lately, so I will be happy to just chill at home and do nothing.

I am in such a good mood this weekend! I think it's because YL things are finally starting. Tonight is the banquet where we find out where we are placed... and that's just plain exciting. I think another contributor to the good mood is that I've gotten to just hang out and chill this weekend and get some work done and do some laundry and just get settled in. My room is finally cleared of the clothes that have been lying around since getting back from spring break.

Well, there's nothing I really wanted to say, I'm still getting back in the habit of writing in here. I'll keep you posted on where I get placed and what we do with all that later.


CoCo said...

Ok, you're not online, so I couldn't leave you a message but...

I was reading some old blogs, and I read one where I was writing about our giggle fits...

Wow...I miss that..and I miss YOU!!!

I hope school's going well, and hope your chem lab is better than mine...

Anonymous said...

Hi Mah,
I just randomly decided to get a blog...3 years after everybody else! Just thought I'd tell you. Don't worry, it's no where near as awesome as yours. Haha have a great day! Love Kath