Friday, December 02, 2005


I was going to write a long post overanalyzing feelings, but I realized that I just wanted to get a basic thing down on my blog so that I could just move on and forget about it.

It's weird when you think you knew someone so well and then all of a sudden you change things, and then it's weird from then on. As if the friendship never happened. Do they ever think about how it used to be? It's not like the fact that we aren't "friends" anymore cancels out all that we knew about each other at one point.

Weird. Those feelings are interesting. I thought I was weird for thinking those thoughts, as if my thinking them indicated that I wasn't over the situation. I am completely over it in the sense that I know it will never go back to the way it was, and now that I've grown as a person I wouldn't want things to go back. I don't know. I just think about it sometimes.

I guess this is just me dealing with things. I knew it had to happen some time.

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