Tuesday, December 27, 2005

a dragonfly can fly backwards as fast as it can fly forwards.

That is just amazing! I got that from the book that Erchica gave to me for Christmas. It's my kind of book. I found it funny that the first fact I read from the book was one that I already knew! That just goes to show you that I use "incredibly useless facts" on an everyday basis. It says that this book (titled Bla Bla) is "something to talk about when you have nothing else to say." Seriously, I always have something to say, but usually because I'm already chock-full of these silly facts. They are great conversation starters. YAY THANKS, ERIKA! I LOVE THIS BOOK. The end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, remember that time junior year in Spanish 2 with Pani Kasia when you and I did the random spanish words overhead? With stuff like "mermaid" and "jukebox" and "dinosaur" and "dragonfly"? Well this post just reminded me of that.
Oh yeah! And Pani told us how to say dragonfly in Polish! It was something like "vashka" I think.
Anyways, enjoy the book and have a great day!
Love, Kath