Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Refverie - The Entertainer

 This thing happens when people meet me for the first time where they are so surprised when I turn on my entertainer side... like, I seem normal & down-to-earth & maybe sitting back bc I've never met any of them before, but then it's karaoke so I give my all singing every single word to Friday by Rebecca Black. My friends are used to these shenanigans, but people who don't know me all of a sudden see me as simply defined by that silly side... like they start pressuring me to perform at any given moment and they try to make me be funny on command or something. Whenever this happens I get super annoyed and shut down and want to just sit in my room by myself and go into hiding so people stop asking me to tell jokes or sing songs or whatever. Usually my best friends or people I connect with just laugh and then keep treating me like a rando which is honestly my favorite. I'm not trying to steal the show 24/7 and if you hang out with me for a while it gets old & you'd probably want me to chill out honestly. This is all coming up bc I'm in Ohio grading APES exams and last year I did karaoke and wore this cat sweatshirt and this year a bunch of people keep doing that thing I just described above and I am Over It. But I did meet a group of really funny people who don't make me perform but keep being funny back to me and it feels way better and is actually a fun time. • • • Lol the struggles of an entertainer I'm so annoyed at the way I sound talking about this

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