Wednesday, November 09, 2005

83 degrees on november 9th? amazing.

So today I got new jeans. "Hot pants" if you will. No more is Emma Refvem a one-jeaned girl. I have two pairs. This drastically expands my wardrobe, so that I don't have to wear swetpants every day of the week to "save" my jeans for the weekends. I believe that reflects more on my lazy clothes-washing habits than on my lack of clothing, but whatev. I like having new jeans. I need to break them in. I love a good pair of jeans, most definitely.

You know what else I love? Emails from long-lost best friends. That's right-- I recieved one from Emmy today! Emmy Christina Albrecht Tedder. My long lost love. I miss that kid so much and it's good to hear that she hasn't disappeared off the face of the earth. She's a cool kid.

I also love being silly. I got to do a lot of that at Windy Gap this past weekend. I was a baker in the kitchen with Ms. Amy Stelling and we had a fun fun time. We braided bread! I got burnt on my arm from the cookie sheet! (it's okay because the cookies were good and i enjoy scars.) It was amazing. Windy Gap this time was a time for bonding with and loosening up around my new College Life friends. As our time in College Life goes on, I love it more and more. It was different to be on work crew instead of with the other kids or as a leader, but the adjustment taught me some lessons about what being a leader is all about. It's going to be a fun growing experience.

It's too bad that I procrastinate a lot at school because all I really want to do is start reading novels again. I bought "Life of Pi" and I absolutely cannot wait to start reading it. It looks quite interesting. I miss the thrill of being in someone else's mind for the short amount of time I spend reading the book. I feel like I can add those experiences to my own and it feels nice. So I can't wait to get all caught up on schoolwork.

The weather has been beautiful and really warm for November, and my mood has lifted along with the increments on the thermometer. Just another validation of the fact that I probably have Seasonally Affected Depression. When this cold snap comes, I'll probably get a little bit depressed. But that is also exacerbated by my sucky schedule. I want it to be next semester. I like the classes that I will have. More my style of classes.

Speaking of classes, I must study chinese. Zai jian, folks! (that means goodbye)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

83 degrees is ridiculously warm. Out here in UT we've been having highs in the 50s or love 60s for like a month! But it hasn't snowed yet - at least in the valley (the mountains have been covered for a while). But I think it is absolutely beatiful.
Oh, congratulations on your new jeans. hahahaha.
Love from Kath