Thursday, March 13, 2003

I really really really (three again) hope there is a thunderstorm. A really loud one with lots of thunder. Maybe even thunder that wakes you up in the middle of the night. That way I will realize that I don't have to wake up again till 6:30 and I could have a contented sleep. Yeah that would be really nice. I love it when I wake up at like 3 in the morning or something and I realize that I can sleep for three more hours. That is really satisfying. Almost as satisfying as taking a nap on a hammock in the summer when you don't have any responsibilities looming over your head. Wow. That would be so nice. I want to go to sleep forever! Like Rip Van Winkle or something. Now I could live with a life like that. Ok, maybe not like that, more like a cat. Because everybody loves them and they get to sleep whenever they want. Only, if I were a cat, I would get better food.

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