Saturday, March 22, 2003

I just took a walk down memory lane, and woah am I glad I moved on. It was all from when I was in 6th grade, and boy was I lookin rough. Well, my hair was cute, but that was about it. I was chubby and pale (when am I ever not pale?) and my fasion sense was practically non existant. I am so glad I thinned out, and it makes me feel really skinny right about now. I need those kind of breaks every once and a while. I should tape myself now and then in 5 years I can look back and be glad I'm not here anymore! But for right now, I am content with staying here in my current state living life to the fullest, then when my life is better, it will be GREAT! I'm not exactly sure how that logic works, but maybe it is right in some odd way... who knows? I seem to say that a lot. Maybe one day I will really find out who knows....

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