Thursday, March 03, 2005

root beer times root beer equals beer.

My life is good nalgene has officially been inducted into the "Emma's Nalgene Hall of Fame." I dropped it down the stairs. He doesn't have any battle wounds, to my knowledge, but I still consider him inducted. I'm still sad at the loss of my Pico/Slushie nalgene that was so carelessly lost by Jill at some point during swim season, but I think the addition of this L.I.G. one from Mom has made up for the loss. It's always good to have a wide mouth and a narrow mouth because sometimes you just want to be able to dring it really fast, which is easier in narrow mouths. Also, sometimes you want to put ice in it or have ease in transporting liquids, which is when you rely on your trusty wide mouth. Poor Cindy, my narrow mouth, is quite scarred. But she's still surviving, thankfully.

I think the best thing about Nalgenes is that they have trained me to actually drink water. I used to never ever just drink water unless I was parched or exercising. Now I drink it throughout the day, and I feel more hydrated. I used to hate the taste of water but now I enjoy drinking it even when I'm not thirsty. I don't mind having water with meals now, which pumps me up because soda isn't great all the time. Water makes me feel good and refreshed. It's quite refreshing.

Another drink I've started to really like lately is juice. I mean, I was never conscious of my juice affinity before, I guess because Mom rarely buys juice to just be in our refrigerator. Recently she has kept the juice well stocked, so I've been enjoying Cranberry Wild Berry and Berry Blends juices. I really like pineapple juice and V8 splash, too.

While we're on the topic of new things I like, I'll bring up Yogurt. Because I've been eating a veritable s-load of it lately. I used to not be able to finish a whole Yoplait in one sitting, but now I can eat one for breakfast and then for lunch again sometimes! It helps you burn fat, but I guess that doesn't work for me since I don't excercise. I guess I need to get back on the ball with that.

I really like exercising when I don't do it too much and I don't feel guilty about not doing it. Does that make sense? Like, if I randomly remember to excercise, it makes me feel good. But when it turns into an obligation and I feel bad for not doing it, I don't like doing it. I think I'm going to row for a little while tonight, just because I can. Unless it's too cold. Then I'll see if Mom has some good excercise tapes to do. She sold Tae-Bo and our Yoga tapes on eBay, which I would have stopped had I not been in an anti-exercising mood. Rowing is great and all, but I'm not so sure I want beefy arms. Haha. "Beefy arms" looks funny written down.

So does "hypocrisy."
cellar door.

You know what's cool? Stream of consciousness.


CoCo said...

Nalgenes RULE

just like Vacaville

Anonymous said...

shmims, that's weird because just not even three years ago i read in Reader's Digest the list of most pleasing word combinations. "cellar door" was the number one choice. i think it would sound better if cellar didn't have an "r" on the end. cella door > cellar door. maybe you read that article, too. maybe not.

Anonymous said...

dear tillman,
which reference is on Donnie Darko? the part about cellar door in general, or the much more euphonious "cella" door? i have only seen about 12 or so minutes of Donnie Darko in part because a creepy rabbit face continued to flash randomly on the screen. however, i do enjoy the Jake Gyllenhal (sp?).

- maggie

Sarah Gitt said...

You know, they make little sipper lid things for the wide-mouth Nalgenes, so you can enjoy icy water AND quick sipping.