Tuesday, March 15, 2005


So. Big news in Emmaland, everyone! I got a scholarship to a state school for $10,000- something with the State Employee's Credit Union- so that means I'm committed to attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill this fall. I'm ridiculously pumped. My mind is working better in bullet form today, so here we go!
  • The Environmental Science program at Carolina is really good, so I'm excited about the possible majors and discovering what I really want to do after formal schooling has ended. They have good programs for study abroad, too, I've heard, so that's a good thing.
  • I can now be a sports fan and justify it, haha. I won't feel bad or anything and now I can include myself in discussions about Basketball and stuff.
  • I'm ridiculously glad that I didn't have to decide by myself which college to attend, it takes such a weight off that I didn't make the decision myself. I'm so indecisive that I would probably end up regretting my choice at some point down the line. Because the scholarship decided it for me, I can just chill with that being the deciding factor. I mean, it will still be cool to say that I got into the other colleges (if I did, haha). At GSW, I was kindof mad that I didn't get to choose because I didn't like the classes offered, and sometimes I got jealous of GSE kids, but I think that scenario is a little different.
  • The scholarship along with the already monumentous difference in price between Carolina and the private schools takes the big financial burden off my back. I hate feeling like I'm being a financial burden. Money makes me weirded out. Now I don't have to worry about it.
  • I used to think it was weird that there would be a lot of people I know there, and I didn't like that thought. Now I couldn't really care less. I mean, College is so big that I won't have to go out of my way to avoid anybody. So that's not a problem with me anymore.
  • I'm glad that I finally know for certain where I'm going. And that it was so stress free! Now when people ask where I'm going, I can just say "Carolina!" and leave it at that! It's so simple. Much easier than "Well, I got into Carolina but I haven't heard back from the other schools so I don't know yet." That opens the big can of worms with questions like- "If you got into all four schools, which would you go to?" And then that takes a while to explain because I don't really know. My thought processes are weird.
So, yeah. That's crazy. My future is no longer unstable. I know exactly what I'm doing for at least another year. Here goes the list of stuff coming up in the life of Emma: Spring Break. Senior Prom. Senior Trip. AP Exams. Graduation. Cheerio. Hawaii. Tahoe. College @ Carolina. Hooooly cow. So definitive! So crazy!

In other news, I got a lot of sleep last night and feel a billion times better than I did Sunday night/Monday day. This past weekend was hecka awesome. Friday was chill. Tillman and I watched Starsky and Hutch. It was pretty lighthearted and funny. I liked it. Saturday I got to sleep in, hang w/ Char Char and her friend Katye a little, go to the recycling center, hang with Shmimms!!, get first place in the Talent Show (without the use of an inhaler... haha. couldn't help it. it was mean, i know. sorry.), and hang w/ Shmims and Courts and Tillman. Sunday was church- Sunday School at the Methodist and big church at the Presbyterian to hear Char Char sing. Shmims and I watched a little Garden State, then a little Slushie practice, then she went home and I spent the day sitting on my lawn reading IM and writing a poem. Then I got stressed out and felt poopy, as you saw. I spent too much time on my procrastinated IM and Calculus AP sheet, both of which I could have been working on all week, that I didn't have time to study for AP Bio. Bad move. So Monday sucked because I was tired and stressed and annoyed and fed up with school. Monday afternoon was ok, and YL was awesome and sleep was awesomer. I'm getting better at planning out my afternoons. Not as much computer time does the trick.

Are my posts too long?


Emma Refvem said...

fixed "a)"

Brad said...

Con the grats! As a member of the NCSECU, I've helped pay your way to college ($1/month member fees). That's okay; the bank gives me candy sometimes. Fair trade

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! i might be stealing your well-earned glory by telling you this, but i found six dollars about two weeks ago. and i didn't even have to fill out any application. i know, life isn't fair sometimes.
so proud of you!!