Tuesday, February 01, 2005

haiku for you

written in earth science yesterday:

mother nature sucks
nature abhors a vacuum

Hoover- get away!

squish! that bug is dead
his guts all over my shoe
my murderous shoe.

mr. bretz's room
was cooler than this one is

i miss ol' KB

bullet proof- dang thick plastic

i just want to drink

lean mean green machine
the golly green giant rocks
i want some green beans.

cleavage is funny
because we're talking about

rocks, not boobs- pervert.

in-n-out burger
the best place in the whole world

i would get fat there.


Emma Refvem said...

you know it, haha.

reynolds said...

i like your haiku. i'm will's friend. we lived together in his last days on planet grand rapids. here's my blog, although it may not be that interesting, because i don't take myself too seriously: nreynolds05.blogspot.com