Monday, February 14, 2005

ahh, eros.

So. This is my first Valentines Day, or Singles Awareness Day, on which I was not single. It is a weird feeling for me. It's almost like I can't handle all the emotion or something, like a sensory overload. It was crazy in a good way. While I do feel like this is the most exclusive holiday, I didn't really feel bad about being happy that it was V-day. Because, while it is about relationship love, it is generally a time to feel love and happiness. Like, Kathryn gave me a valentine because she is my friend and it made me feel loved and happy. And then Christine in my Earth Science class gave me a hershey kiss and just said "happiness" while giving it. I thought that was really sweet. And my mom gave me a little L.L. Bean tote bag with my initials and a heart embroidered on it. It was cute and made me happy. And then, after school, I recieved my first ever bouquet of flowers in my car, and everybody that already knew about it was waiting around to see my reaction. Not only was I happy to recieve these flowers from that special someone, I was happy that my friends were all a part of it and were happy, too. It didn't feel like they were jealous of me for getting flowers or something, just that they were happy that it happened. That made me happy. So, this valentines day, I want you to be happy and to know that I love you. Because that's what I think it's all about.


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