Looks like it’s time for the ol’ blogstagram to make an appearance again! Now I’m a parent to an actual human being... wild. Parenting is so overwhelming I don’t know how everybody with a kid is not constantly spiraling about something. Maybe they are but they’re just hiding it well... in which case, kudos to them. My current spirals have been about sleep. In my pre-parenting life, I saw that there were so many sleep consultants but I didn’t understand why... I certainly do now 😅😅😅 this shit is wild. In order to protect the online reputation of my small child, I will not go into details about his sleep. Let’s just say it’s been difficult and it’s driven me into a bit of a phase of anxiety that I don’t love. What I *do* love is that I have the pleasure of getting to parent with Byron who allows me to spiral for a little bit while also making me commit to one specific tactic for a while. Without him, I would be flailing from one “tried and true” method to another. What the bb and I both need, though, is consistency and I feel so glad I have Byron the rock there to calm me down. This post was inspired by the fact that I wanted to give up on one tactic but Byron made us commit to 4 days and it worked on the 4th day 🤪 I also don’t know what it’s like to have a baby in a non-pandemic, but this shit is wild also. A lot of the advice is like “get out of the house” and it’s like... and go where 😒 This is not a very deep post but maybe I should get back in the habit of writing my thoughts so I don’t feel so cooped up. (p.s. this is a pic of 4 of my 5 kids 😩)
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