Sunday, March 06, 2011

Board Tweets

 Twitter is sweeping the RHS nation. Well, let me re-phrase that. Twitter has already swept the RHS nation, but now it is seeping into the teacher world. I have had a regular twitter (@refvemma) for a while, but I decided that my teacher alter-ego needed one to keep up with the kiddies (@msrefvem). Really, it's for the kiddies to keep up with me. I can tweet interesting stuff from the web or reminders about homework or announcements about how many fish have died (i'm working on a post about the epic saga of animals that call room 222 home, stay tuned...).

All that to say, we tend to talk in twitter lingo sometimes in class. I had a kid answer a question on a test something to the effect of "We need to save biodiversity so that it can provide ecosystem services and the environment can last for future generations. #swag"... For those of you who are less up to twitter speed, that is a hash tag. And a student wrote a hash tag at the end of a test answer. I gave him some "lol points" for that one.

On Friday, we had some green pancakes and bacon in Ms. Hunter's AP Bio class, about which some tweet-ers in the class tried to start a trending topic: #apbiobaconswag. Much discussion of hataz (those who hate) also came up during breakfast.
Ms. Hunter (@mikajhunter) gettin her green pancake/sunglass/rollpiratesroll swag on

Since Ms. Hunter and I have so much fun talkin bout hataz, I googled "hater quotes." (side note: i HIGHLY recommend googling hater quotes. it will entertain you. clearly there are a lot of drama queens trying to fill up their facebook profile "about me" sections, and someone has found and filled in that internet niche). I came up with some great ones, enough to inspire my "quote of the day/week/whenever-i-feel-like-changing-the-quote." While writing it, I was encouraged by my 4th period to write it in ghetto twitter/txt lingo. Here is the result:

Some more "board tweets" for your enjoyment:

(this next one is not necessarily a tweet, but a reaction to Food, Inc. which we were watching in APES. Born out of a sad joke about making baby chicks straight into nuggets.)

It will be interesting to see how this whole twitter thing evolves... follow me if you dare! @msrefvem

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