Monday, May 24, 2004
I wish I was in boy scouts instead of girl scouts. Girl scouts is so typically girly. There are badges for shopping, going to the movies, cleaning, cooking, and fasion. It is our big service project to clean up the scout hut. Boy scouts, on the other hand, get to mess up the scout hut. They get badges for pocket knives and fire and camping. Girl scout camping shouldn't even count as camping. We made foil packs at home, then went to a 'campsite.' This sorry imitation of a camp site had platform tents with bunks and a picnic shelter and running water. The only thing that was barely 'roughing it' was the bathroom. A hole in the ground, but there were still stalls over it. My idea of camping is going out into the woods on a trail, setting up an L.L. Bean tent, rolling out the sleeping bag and roasting hot dogs over a camp fire. Going to bed early and waking up early with the morning light. We tried camping like this one time with girl scouts. One group's tent fell down in the middle of the night because it was really fancy and they didn't know how to set it up correctly. They slept in cars that night. Another group lined their luggage around the outside of their tent and it rained in the middle of the night, so it all got soaked. My tent, however, was perfectly set up (thanks to instructions from my dad). Neither our luggage nor our sleeping bags (or our selves for that matter) touched the edge of the tent. I had a great night sleep. It was awesome, but it was never going to happen again with this troop. Girl scouts just aren't that fun. I wish they would get rid of that stereotype. Girls selling cookies and having names like "Daisies" and "Brownies." The boys get to be cubs and stuff. Man, this makes me really want to go camping. And to start some fires. And to break some glass. Typical boy stuff.
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