Monday, May 05, 2003

Ok folks... Here's my theory. You know how everybody always wants to go against the grain, right? You know, question authority and stuff. Well, doesn't it seem like that is the new flow? Everybody's doing it. Isn't that contradicting itself? So if you really wanted to go against the flow, you would go with what used to be the flow and follow all the rules. Everybody wants to be an individual, but if everybody's doing it, most likely you are doing it just because its the cool thing to do. I admit I almost fell into the trap. But then I thought about it. Why does there have to be a grain or a flow? Why not just stay right where you are. I think that's how I am. I don't go with the flow, but I don't go agianst it. No matter which way the flow is flowing. I don't really purposefully do things to get on other peoples nerves, and I obey my mom and dad and my teachers. I wear things because I like them. I do things because I like to do them. I don't wake up and say: 'I'm going to wear these hair things today because people will look at me and give me attention and I'll pretend like I don't give a care about what they think.' I just wake up and say: 'Hmmmm... I like this shirt. It would go well with this hair thing. Cute' And go on. I am not agianst certain stores or something. Like, if I found something cute that was worth buying, I will buy it, no matter what store it comes from. I'll admit, most of my clothes are hand-me-downs. My two favorite pairs of jeans were Kate's at one point. I think people should just do what they want to do just because they want to. No more of this flow junk.

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